Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Assignment 5 : Created Realities

Social/Cultural Statement : Balance
The concept for this photo is an attempt at visualizing the amount of tasks/people/problems/stuff we must all juggle on a daily basis.

To create this image, I simply took objects that I have around my room and piled them on my head in a haphazard manner. It  truly was a challenge to keep the objects balanced while reaching over to hit the shutter button to start the timer!

I had several versions of this photo to choose from, and I kept going back and forth between this one and one that was not blurred. Obviously, I chose the one with a slight blur. I felt that it added a sense of movement and discomfort for the viewer, and I though it related well to the idea that balancing all of the activities in one's life is not always easy or comfortable.


One interpretation from the critique was that "it looks like life is weighing you down." I could see that. They also liked the expression on my face and the blur/movement of the books. One jumping off point possibility was that I could try balancing different combinations of items on my head.

Collages/Installations to be photographed

For this photograph, I wanted to create a kind of sculpture out of everyday items I have sitting around my room. I did my best to use a variety of items that might not normally be found together all in one place. I tried capturing the "sculpture" from several angles to try to get the most interesting composition.

Something that I think I would like to have spent more time on is lighting. I think that the shapes within the sculpture would have done interesting things with the light


One person noticed that all of my final photos from this assignment involve books--- which I hadn't really noticed before. They especially drew a connection between the photo above and my sculpture photos. I hadn't noticed that!

Someone else suggested that I could continue creating sculptures to be photographed, and to have a certain type of shadow I might want to create in mind (echoing my thoughts on the lighting).

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