Thursday, September 30, 2010

AB Portrait


  1. I think the composition in #2 is the best as far as showing his exhaustion and how hard he's working. The stacks of books express this, plus the dark background gives you the sense that he's been working all night. The positioning of his head and hand is great too. The lighting and angle in #5 is really interesting, and the very formal composition in #6 is cool too.

  2. My favorites are 1, 2 and 6. The first two really show his emotion and it puts us in that mind set because of the angle and composition. I like the last one because it places the subject in a box, as if that is his life: sitting in that chair and studying.

  3. My favorites are 1 and 3. They are still showing us the same thing, just from a different angle.

  4. I think the first one is really nice, it has an interesting angle.

  5. really like the first and second one. I like the first one for the perspective of the shot. i like number two because of how the lighting is hitting everything.

  6. My favorites are #2 and #6. I really like this series as a whole (and individually) But I really like the lighting and the contrast in #2 and I like the composition of him at the desk. I like how it is centered in the frame.

  7. I really like the second one. I think it conveys the idea of brute studying really well. The light overhead is the kicker, it looks like a prison scene.

  8. The 1st, second and last are all really interesting and great. They make a good set.

  9. love 2 and 6
    the light source on 2 is really interesting and beautiful. and the organization of 6 is amazing. so many different things to look at in each

  10. I really like the first and the last. They both give a sense of the sheer quantity of work the subject has to do. I think that the second picture has great lighting and contrast. It is very dynamic.

  11. the last one is good because we get the sense that he is "orderly". the second to last one has good lighting and composition and the task of studying feels daunting. the first one could benefit from brighter whites/brights but is good otherwise.

  12. The last photo successfully uses the surroundings to tell a story.

    It's interesting that the first one has the books sharp because it makes me link them to the subject.

  13. Shots 1 & 2 are the strongest due to the lighting and the interesting angles. Cool depth of field.

  14. 1, 2, and 6 are my favorite. I like #6 the best though, the composition is very nice.

  15. The first one has a great angle. I love how the books are in focus and the man in it is the back. It can have so many meanings. Great Pictures!

  16. i really love the lighting and composition of #2 and #6, very interesting!
